Very young gay porn stories

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I often wonder if they too think about things and masturbate. Both boys, now adults, still live in my town. As time went on I learned that doing the things we did was acceptable behavoir in their home. She was a bad alcoholic and didnt give my friend the best homelife.

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At that time and age you are just worried about getting in trouble, but as an adult I see why she looked as she did. She never touched us or anything, but saw us skinny dipping, showering, etc and nothing was ever done.

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Not only did we all fool around, but my best friends mother caught us countless times and never said a word. I have many questions about things that happened back then. I looked up to him and he is the one that instagated the events to start with. One of the boys was my best friend and a year older. None of us grew up to be gay or bi, or even be impacted negatively by it. When I was a young boy, I used to play around with a couple other boys on the street.

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